Friday, July 10, 2020

Things Anxiety Gifts Us With

Sometimes I ask myself whether my thoughts are a product of my emotions or the other way around. The question may seem easy but it is far from it. I think it could be both ways depending on the situation itself. For example, if I have an intrusive thought, it will trigger a particular emotion. But sometimes a particular emotion will bring some thoughts inside. I am not sure this makes any sense but it is at least how I feel sometimes.
I think one should be grateful to thoughts as much as he should be grateful to emotions, even the wrong or intrusive ones. Intrusive thoughts tell us to pay attention to something that is usually just a result of fear. Intrusive thoughts tell us that we are fearful. Once we realise the emotion of fear, we will work on calming ourselves down and telling her, 'These thoughts are not important, and thus don't beat up yourself because you are afraid. The fear will go when you realise the unimportance of the thought.'

Things anxiety teach me:
  1. Intrusive thoughts are not helpful, but they are usually a sign that we are anxious.
  2. Emotions are a result of thoughts (at least for me), and if thoughts are a lie, the emotion itself won't define us, so long as we don't let these two drive us to behave in certain ways.
  3. I am a sensitive person, and that is a beautiful thing to realise, becuase it makes me see the world differently.
  4. This has happened before and it will happen again, and it is OK!
  5. Routines are important because they help us create a balance in our days and look forward to something when we wake up
  6. I am human, and it is completely ok to be fearful of the future or to want to be OK.
  7. Take advantage of every day in which you wake up feeling good.
  8. You can do much more than what you think.
  9. You are absolutely capable of pushing yourself to do the things you fear the most.
  10. Anxiety taught me and still teach me to be more empathetic than ever.

Things I am grateful for today:
  1. Conversations with Takateeko.
  2. I am grateful for WhatsApp and how easy it is to communicate with the people I love.
  3. I am grateful for not being alone in how I am feeling, even if it truly feels so.
  4. I am grateful for always thinking of how much I can't live without Taha.
  5. I am grateful for how understanding, kind, empathetic, polite, respectful, thankful, and loving Taha is. It is something I remind myself of every day.
  6. I am grateful for the beautiful time I spend drinking coffee or tea in our gorgeous balcony.
  7. I am grateful for anxiety. I will say this every single day.
  8. I am grateful for realising I am capable and strong
  9. I am grateful for the daily reminders I put on my phone which do help me remember how this is an ongoing journey of self-compassion and positivity-finding.
  10. I am grateful for waking up every morning knowing that I am loved, truly loved, by friends and family, and by Taha. 
I am loved. I am loved. I am loved.

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