Tuesday, July 14, 2020

On Differentiations.

It's truly important to know how to differentiate between thoughts only being the product of a bad mood, like PMS, and real thoughts, which are by definition helpful ones, so anything otherwise is just a product of bad moods, especially extremely bad moods like during PMS.
The fact that the oldest cliches are the truest makes the cliche of "There is light at the end of the tunnel" just as true as "Time heals." The journey is often tough but there is always a chance for something to cling to on the hope that that light will be visible soon.

Things I am grateful for today:
  1. I am grateful for waking up earlier than usual.
  2. I am grateful for not sleeping in the middle of saying the morning athkar.
  3. I am grateful for Taha's beautiful smile once he opens the door when he's back from work.
  4. I am grateful for every single phone call with Takateeko.
  5. I am grateful for our beautiful balcony, and the time I spend in it in the day.
  6. I am grateful for coffee, when drunk in the balcony especially.
  7. I am grateful for the feeling of family that Taha gives me.
  8. I am grateful for being smart and intelligent.
  9. I am grateful for knowing that everything takes time, even if I feel very impatient sometimes.
  10. I am grateful for truly believing that Allah must be teaching me something out of this struggle I face some days.
Things I love about anxiety:
  1. It is teaching me how to be truly myself.
  2. It is making me strive to be more present.
  3. It is making me self-aware.
  4. It is developing my self-compassion.
  5. It is giving me the time and effort to be kind to myself.
  6. It is teaching me that everything negative has an ending.
  7. It is teaching me to take deep breaths all the time.
  8. It is teaching me that things take time.
  9. It is making me more confident to talk about mental health problems.
  10. It is making me more aware of what I need to fix and what I actually found that I do like about myself.

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