Monday, July 27, 2020

Lying Feelings and Thoughts

Gradually, you come to accept that the lying feelings and thoughts will subside. You understand that all you have to do is let them be, until they let you be. And then you take a deep breath and live life a new version of yourself, a better and truer version of yourself. You know your worth. You accept yourself. You know your self-confidence has to come from you not anyone else. And you understand that loneliness is a feeling you come up with when you are feeling negative, because when you feel positive and the loneliness is still there, you don't feel it as intense. Negative thoughts bring about negative feelings. Negative feelings bring about all lying thoughts about life. But you slowly realise this and decide to take matters into your own hands and save yourself through bravely fighting and not being scared of whatever is coming your way. All these realisations give you some peace of mind. And repeating all of them helps even more in instilling positive thoughts inside you. And bit by bit, you just become who you are; a version you are so very pleased with that you feel grateful every day for the hardships you went through.

Things I am grateful for today:
  1. Alhamdulillah for the morning walk in a windy day like today.
  2. Alhamdulillah for phone calls with Takateeko.
  3. Alhamdulillah for making deep breathing a daily routine of mine.
  4. Alhamdulillah for making the Quran a book I read daily.
  5. Alhamdulillah for how evil thoughts are subsiding because I refuse to give them any importance.
  6. Alhamdulillah for my brave soul to fight every negative thought of mine.
  7. Alhamdulillah for truly believing that you can change your mentality about anything if you really really want to.
  8. Alhamdulillah for every bit of growth I feel in me.
  9. Alhamdulillah for the daily athkar that I say day and night.
  10. Alhamdulillah for believing that Allah is with me and will help me every step of the way.

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