Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Self-love and the Other 100 Things

There is something that is as important as self-love. It is this ability to see the beautiful things you have in life at the darkest hours of your soul. It is being able to look darkness in the eye and tell her, "I still have things I am a hundred times more grateful for than being scared of your existence." Gratitude, love, and courage are more powerful than fear and the accompanying intrusive thoughts that come with it. Gratitude gives you inner peace. Love gives you the courage to hold on to life. Courage gives you the confidence to realise that you can.

Next to the 100 things I love about myself that I am writing, I have also decided to write 100 things I am grateful for. For the latter, it should be a lot easier than the former. So let's start today's list.

Today's 5 things I love about myself (reached 50!):
  1. I love the routine I have been able to do in the morning.
  2. I love how much faith I have in realising new solutions to existing problems all the time.
  3. I love the progress I made throughout this past year, and how it made me love myself more.
  4. I love how much I've grown over the years to be a better version of myself.
  5. I love how I am always capable of bringing my true self out of the very bad moods I experience every week, hell, every day even.
Today's 10 things I am grateful for:
  1. I am grateful for Taha, for how amazing he is, how he's always there for me, always fighting my negative thoughts with me, always pushing me to do the things I love. His sole existence is my backbone.
  2. I am grateful for my family, for how much we've all changed to be by each other's side, for how much they love me and I love them.
  3. I am grateful for my beautiful, supportive friends who are always there for me.
  4. I am grateful for having left Egypt, after years of pursuing that.
  5. I am grateful for being in the UK and having achieved so much in just about two years.
  6. I am grateful for finding meanings in life in the most immaterial things, like inner peace, love, compassion and self-compassion, and self-fulfillment. 
  7. I am grateful for having a sister in the UK who listens to my thoughts and allows me to be myself.
  8. I am grateful for Allah. For His presence in my life.
  9. I am grateful for prayers and their healing power.
  10. I am grateful for being able to recognise right from wrong.

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