Sunday, October 4, 2015

Until You Are My Hero

Dear you,

I am sorry I left you a sad and abrupt letter last time; it's just that sometimes life is hard enough, and words are so devoid of meaning. So you just write as little and as meaningful a sentence as possible, hoping for no judgments, no filler words, nor unnecessary consolations. You just need silence, a pure and deep silence with an "I understand" and nothing more.

I am sorry because I never told you before how much getting personal about a terrible dad can be very tough and challenging. This is why most of those who go through the same shit I have rarely speak about it, because who the hell will ever understand something they've never been through. And while girls are all about "my dad is my hero" pictures all over media, i just sit there and wait for this shit to be over so I can live normally accepting the fact that I will never have a hero dad, or even a dad I never wish to bid farewell to.

I am sorry if this is getting too personal even for you. This is why I am taking things very slowly, so that by the time you really know me you will have grasped everything about my life without rushing. So that everything will be said at the right times. And so that, when you come to me for good I will tell you you are my hero, my first hero, and I want no other heroes but you in my story, in my life.

I love you, until you are my hero; I will give myself to you.

Yours faithfully and sincerely,

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