Thursday, October 15, 2015

Questionable Answers and Answerable Questions

Dear you,

Often does it become so hard to bear and keep so many questions in mind, questions that have no answers, or whose answers are not meant  to ever be shown. often do we ask questions at the wrong times and still expect answers, even answers we do not truly want to hear. And often do we get answers when no questions have even been asked, so we ignore them as if they didn't exist, and regret it later.
Often do we meet the wrong people at the right times, and the right people at the wrong times, and wonder when will both synchronise and make life just a little bit easier on us. Or, maybe this is not how it's supposed to be; easy. Often do we also fall for those who do not deserve us, or whom we do not deserve, and wonder and cry why it did not work, led my the sentimentality and fragility of our hearts, and yet we believe things will go back to normal. But they never do, because once you have fallen in love, you are never, ever, complete again.
Often do we say goodbyes to people we meet every day, and say nothing to people whom we are about to lose the next moment, by means of death or human relations. And we dwell and linger in these feelings for some time before we forget, or make ourselves forget, because life does not wait for grief to be over.
Often do we live while knowing we're dead inside, and ignore life in hopes of death, and eternal exhilaration, or not. Often do we believe in things we deep down inside know nothing about, but because we have to believe; we have to believe in things that may not be visible to the naked eye, or to the sole mind. We believe because in life believing in something helps us survive. We believe because there is no other way to live than to cling to the hopes and strings of something more, some ulterior motive of it all.

We believe because we are, and I believe because you are here. I believe you are here. I do.

Yours faithfully and sincerely,

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