Next to the 100 things I love about myself that I am writing, I have also decided to write 100 things I am grateful for. For the latter, it should be a lot easier than the former. So let's start today's list.
Today's 5 things I love about myself (reached 50!):
- I love the routine I have been able to do in the morning.
- I love how much faith I have in realising new solutions to existing problems all the time.
- I love the progress I made throughout this past year, and how it made me love myself more.
- I love how much I've grown over the years to be a better version of myself.
- I love how I am always capable of bringing my true self out of the very bad moods I experience every week, hell, every day even.
Today's 10 things I am grateful for:
- I am grateful for Taha, for how amazing he is, how he's always there for me, always fighting my negative thoughts with me, always pushing me to do the things I love. His sole existence is my backbone.
- I am grateful for my family, for how much we've all changed to be by each other's side, for how much they love me and I love them.
- I am grateful for my beautiful, supportive friends who are always there for me.
- I am grateful for having left Egypt, after years of pursuing that.
- I am grateful for being in the UK and having achieved so much in just about two years.
- I am grateful for finding meanings in life in the most immaterial things, like inner peace, love, compassion and self-compassion, and self-fulfillment.
- I am grateful for having a sister in the UK who listens to my thoughts and allows me to be myself.
- I am grateful for Allah. For His presence in my life.
- I am grateful for prayers and their healing power.
- I am grateful for being able to recognise right from wrong.