Thursday, September 15, 2016

Forgotten Umbrellas

Dear you,

The first morning for him in the new city was rather a rough one. The city's streets were drenched with rain, and, as he stood under a tree seeking refuge, his chemise was starting to get wet from the drops of rain that fell from the tree. Those drops also carried some mud as the tree's branches were a little dusty before it rained. It was, in its entirety, a gloomy morning, a not-so-hopeful morning without the sun shining.
He loved the sun, and he believed that its rays were the reason we were able to survive all these years, given the nonstop rainy days of winter, for no less than two months in a row. Winter, he believed, was a season for the depressed to get more depressed.
He stood under that tree waiting for the rain to go a little easier on the streets, looking at his replica Swatch watch, which looked exactly like the original Swatch but cost him much less money, and hoping that he could catch the interview on time.
From an instant glare, he looked like someone who wanted so much to fit in, to be a replica of everyone else, who are also not originals. However, he was more miserable than anyone, because he knew this wasn't the life he hoped for, nor the life he always wanted to live. When you look at him from the first instance, you will see a tall man in his late twenties, with black hair and pale white skin. He gave no impression of an extrovert, but rather a loner who wanted to fit in without being noticed at the same time. He was full of flaws, yet everyone seemed to want to open up to him. No wonder, as the people who talk the least are often the ones who end up being the carriers of everyone's secrets. And so was he.
This morning, he woke up and wore what he had set ready in his drawer the night before (the night when he arrived at the city), ironed and perfect, and ate a quick breakfast which consisted of corn flakes with milk and some fruits. He was a healthy eater. When he received a phone call during his breakfast time confirming his interview time, he realised that it was time to go and went hurriedly to the door. Having no one to say goodbye to at the door, he took on his shoes and quickly left, forgetting his umbrellas as he went out.


Yours faithfully and sincerely,

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