Monday, January 16, 2017

Forgetfulness Is Double Edged


Today I met an old friend, or a colleague, whom I always remembered to be an active person. She reminded me of so many things that I forgot to appreciate about myself. She reminded me that I was (probably still am) a person who does not sleep at night with hundreds of thoughts, but with thousands of thoughts in my head. She told me that she always saw me do things that I love and go out of all the comfort zones I knew in life. She reminded me that I especially looked for the comfort zones in my life to get out of. I forgot that.
I also forgot that I have had many achievements in the last few years that I took for granted and never truly appreciated. I forgot that I always wanted to do things, different things, and to have many hobbies and interests. I forgot that I really was something special. And I hope I still am.
The conversation took exactly 4 minutes of my time, but stayed with me for the whole day.

We forget that we are special. This is exactly why people are there, to remind us of how special we are and of the potential we have, that most of us take for granted. We let our drained energy exhaust us and delude us into believing that we are no longer capable of doing this and that of the things we really loved.

Here's a prayer to never forget the things that are most important to us, and a prayer to never stop believing.

Yours faithfully and sincerely,

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