Friday, October 21, 2016

The Little Things

Dear you,

I always believed that it gets darkest before the dawn, and that, in the middle of myriad hardships, there will always be something to give us some hope, something good to cling to. And it so often happens. And I gratefully stand before The Maker to thank Him, for all the little things He showed me, to appreciate, to give me hope, and to assure me that He knows. Alhamdulellah.

I am starting to believe that soon will be the end of our letters. You of course know that I've got the letters I've been waiting for for so long, with someone who actually gets back to me, who writes to me and about me. I believe in him. And I believe everyone should believe in the ones they're waiting for, so He can make them come to life.
I also believe that I should get back to writing, as in, my actually writing. I've had this drop for so long now. It's enough.

After all, it wouldn't be fair not to be grateful.

Yours faithfully and sincerely,

Friday, October 14, 2016


Dear you,

It's disorders like anxiety that make life much harder on the person than anything else. Nothing ever beats that feeling of fear, of not knowing when an attack would kick in, break you to pieces, mock all the brave moments you had in life, in just a few minutes, maybe even seconds.
You wake up, not knowing if it is going to be a good anxiety day or a bad one, but you hope for the best, and you say that you've had as many attacks as you can remember and still survived; you beat it. But what you don't know is, anxiety is changing you; it's making you want to stay away from people, even from those who love you the most; lovers and family. Anxiety makes you want to be alone during an attack's kick-in, because you do not want to embarrass anyone, and because, in reality, you don't believe anyone is ever going to be patient enough with you when you're going through the attack, because it comes slowly, but the impact remains for hours, or at least that's the case for me.

One day you wake up, feel stressed about going out because you know an attack will kick in, but you have to go because it's not something you can postpone for another day. You get out of bed, pray that whatever the intensity of the attack, you just get out safely, without experiencing the worst symptoms. You go out and face the world, and when you're about to close the house door, you start imagining things, but refuse to allow them to overcome your state of "I'm sure I can survive another attack." You might get to a point where going out seems so heavy a burden, so heavy you cannot bear.
When it's time for an attack to kick in, you start imagining all types of scenarios, from best to worst. Do I have to tell you how much it hurts physically? It literally hurts physically. Your muscles start to go tense, and it seems to you that it's the most intense they've gone. You cannot feel them enough to relax them bit by bit. Your hands start shaking, you start losing focus and distract yourself through conversations with people around you, but it never really works, because conversations with people do not easily defeat anxiety attacks. Then, your heartbeats go insane. You try another mechanism to calm yourself down through taking deep breaths; inhale counting to five and exhale counting to seven. It doesn't work, either. Your body is more tensed now. You're sure you'll mess up. You're lucky if your company is someone who knows about all of this. You tell them that you're having an attack, without knowing how you want them to help you. You just tell them so that they understand why you may sound so rude to them. You do not mean to be rude, and that's the worst part about anxiety. It makes you who you are not. You hurt the people around you but you just cannot be nice during these moments. It's hard to know that your mind is playing dirty tricks and games with your body and still feel and look firm. You want a moment of breaking down but you can't, because it will most probably feel trivial to the person accompanying you. At the most intense moments of every attack you end up having one thought in mind: "I want to die; I just cannot take this any longer. My body is collapsing and I'm so, so tired. It's too much." You want to disappear, to leave the person you're with. You want to be alone, completely alone, to shout at your brain to get its shit together and understand that this is not true. It's not true. It's all a trick. Your muscles start to go even more tensed. Your body refuses to act sober enough to let these thoughts go.

When you finally relax a little, you start crying. You cry because it hurts so much to be this weak. It hurts because your whole body was on an attack, at war. The outcome is a body so drenched in sweat and shivering, a heart so weak and trembling, and a mind that is just too drained to think of anything. You didn't die, but you wish this would be the last time.

Please don't leave me. It's out of my control. I'm sorry.

I'm so tired. I'm so tired. God..

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Beyond Sanity

Dear you,

Let's take a moment, to think of life, to take a breath, to ponder. Let's think of who we are. Let's be easy on ourselves. Fuck the world. Fuck society.

Let our insanity drive the world insane.

Yours faithfully and sincerely,

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Closures and Letting Go

Dear you,

How terrible it is, to start something and never finish it! How terrible it is to never have closures in your life, to live and to wait for death as the only closure, to everything, because you cannot find the closures you need, or, at the least, a any closure for that matter. You live, in hopes that something is coming up soon, that someone someday is going to say something that will be the end of your misery. A magical word, for lack of a better word, a magical word. You have no idea whatsoever about how or when this is going to happen. Waiting kills. It kills us slowly and gradually, and it is the cruelest killer, a serial killer, that is. Waiting is everywhere. We wait for love, for marriage, for kids, for some comfort in life when we retire, for kids to grow up and for us to see them grow up beautifully. We wait for everything. We live on expectations, or at least on anticipation. If nothing else, anticipate, and you will be able to live a little happier, but not all happy.

We do not let go. We never really let go, we just forget, and try to make ourselves forget, because if we don’t, we will go insane.

Love me, because it’s insane, and I’ve tried every sane thing in this life and failed.

Yours faithfully and sincerely,


Monday, October 10, 2016

Existing Is a Curse

Dear you,

Those who said that people do not change were wrong; life changes us. It makes us who we are not, forcing us to wear masks beneath masks, until the truth of us is concealed even from ourselves. We lie. We pretend. We say we’re OK when we are not. It is not lying, per se; it is just another way of telling the world “Leave me alone,” because nobody does. Nobody gets the idea that when we need to be alone, we really need to be alone. We need to detach, every once in a while, from the things we are so attached to, like technology, or friends, or family. We need times for ourselves, alone, to think of the world, and of how we’re doing, and why we’re doing it. We need to ask a complex question: What do we want from life, and what is it that would make our death a better death? Would it matter if we were remembered? Would it matter if we made a difference in a million living souls? Is it the numbers, or the impact itself? Do we even ever stop to think? No, we don’t.
We simply exist. We do not live. We simply exist, in the most boring, horrifyingly terrible and mediocre ways. We exist, and that’s that. 

May we never not be ourselves. May we go beyond existing, and way beyond living.

Yours faithfully and sincerely,


Friday, October 7, 2016

Holding Back

Dear you,

Holding back is the most terrible attitude one can have towards anything in life. Holding back feelings, words, actions, everything.
You want to be angry but you can't. You want to say you're broken but won't, because saying something would reinforce the idea in your head and you would so much believe it more than ever. So holding back becomes your refuge. Your asylum.

Let's not talk. Lets hold back, because it is so much better than hurting people. And I'd rather hurt myself than hurt the people I love.

Yours faithfully and sincerely,

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Slowly and Gradually

Dear you,

I am slowly getting back on track. I believe that if pain manifests itself slowly, it would also vanish slowly and gradually, one step at a time. But I need to write every day, or at least every other day, because writing allows so much to be let out, and only my words can stand me. Writing itself is treatment, a medicine for the heart and soul.

I am yet to get back on track with my creative style, but all I know is that it’s the thing I miss the most in my life, and the thing that I have neglected all these months and put no effort in. I know I am constantly harsh on myself, and sometimes I enjoy being so tough, but sometimes it’s the only way I can move forward. Nothing in the world deserves to be fought for more than writing, the idea of letting things out to the world, and ensuring people that they are not alone in what they feel is what makes the journey of writing so worthwhile for me. 
I don’t want to lost touch with Arabic, but I can’t. I just can’t now.

Yours faithfully and sincerely,


Monday, October 3, 2016


Dear you,

I'm here because I'm scared again. I'm scared of not feeling guilty, of forgetting my morals and beliefs. Everyone's going with the flow, so why on God's earth shouldn't we, too, go? We just keep drowning in vicious cycles and try to make ourselves forget. Sometimes we make it. Other times we don't. We get weak, and decide to go a little with the flow, little enough for us to notice, little enough for them to never see. We steal moments of ordinary lives, with extraordinary emotions. We run to the people we love, to help us make sure it doesn't last more than a few minutes, or perhaps days. So that we never fall short on hope, and so that we remain a little bit ordinary, instead of breaking all ties loose with our ordinary life.

Life shouldn't be lived to the fullest all the time. Sometimes all we need is a deep beath, a long, comforting and lasting hug from someone we really really love, and a few moments of endless silence. So we can live again. Like a resurrection. 

I love him.

Yours faithfully and sincerely,

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Anxieties in My Heart

Dear you,

Fear kills beautiful things. It makes the experiences we have untouched, even if we are fully living them; fear makes them imperfect, incomplete. It renders numb every enjoyment moment. Fear is a monster, and it lives inside of us. We're consumed by it every single day, whether we admit such a fact or deny it. Some facts stay there no matter how much and how hard we try to ignore them, or make ourselves forget them. It makes us unhappy because we are cautious about the next moment, and in this process we forget to enjoy the life we have now.

I'm tired of being scared of everything despite my seemingly courageous and brave leaps to every new experience. Tired of not being able to enjoy the moment and focus on the future, sometimes the far future. I'm tired of paying attention to my mind playing games with me in my anxiety attacks. Tired of the insane heartbeats I feel that seem to shake my whole body nonstop. The first moment after an attack cools down is the most comforting yet the scariest moment I have to feel. I feel both liberated and horrifyingly consumed, completely lost.

But, do we always have to feel the worst before we get better? Who knows.

Yours faithfully and sincerely,