Monday, February 13, 2017

On Days..

Dear you,

Sometimes I wake up Ok, thinking that my life is going in the right direction, not exactly the direction I want, but a direction that will lead me somewhere I believe I want to be, a place where some of my dreams will come to life and I will just be satisfied, be grateful, be thankful that life has given me this much but not all, knowing that nothing is perfect.
Other times I just don't know where I'm heading. Other times I feel like I'm lost in some kind of a lifeless place, where nothing at all makes any sense. I lose sense of the meaning of words, the life in the living things surrounding me. I just lose touch of everything. And I feel as if nothing around me really exist, like a dream. Sometimes I confuse reality with dreams, and I wish this was all a dream I'll wake up from sooner or later.
On days like this, I cry my heart out to make sense of anything, to feel anything, to stop, at the same time, all these tears running down with no reason at all, or maybe with a reason I don't understand.
Often do I lose the ability to interact with people, not knowing whether this or that should make me feel angry. I fail to understand how I should make connections with people. And I just lose it.

I'm tired. So tired. Drained. And terribly scared.

Yours faithfully and sincerely,